2022 前戲影展 Fest Yet-to-Come
2022 前戲影展 Fest Yet-to-Come
2022 ─── Aug
講者:呂樾 / 謝鎮逸 / 沈克諭 / 趙鐸
2022 前戲影展 Fest Yet-to-Come
2022/07/08(Fri.) – 2022/08/07(Sun.)

■  展覽論述 Curatorial Statement






The five VR artworks on view in “2022 Fest Yet-to-Come” are selected for the ingenious aesthetics and styles demonstrated by the young Taiwanese artists. The artworks also reflect the diverse experimentation in the virtual reality space and on the viewing experience attempted by the artists.

LIPs by Lin Pei-Ying presents a peculiar and vivid body-scape based on a female perspective, and it also uses ASMR sound effects to open up the audience’s extravisual sense. Through the explorative experience, thoughts about how the female body is gazed, deconstructed, desired or detested are redefined. Chamber 404 by Isabel Sun and Erin Guan takes place inside a bedroom setting, where a sense of intimacy is felt in the confined space, but it also feels quite suffocating. The work reflects on the endless algorithm-derived content that’s fed to people in the age of the Internet and the infinite digital junk around us, as it explores how people can go about identifying what is real and who they really are. An interesting work of well-thought-out format and style, When the Flowers Bloom by Wei Shiue-Ying and Ko Chia-Wen is an intriguing and well–executed interactive VR  piece that invites the audience to explore an apocalyptic underground city, where they can search for hope and find a way out. LIMBOTOPIA in VR by Hsieh Wen-Yee, on the other hand, uses a minimal and surreal aesthetic to create a colossal and complex urban architecture design. Through the perspective of the deceased, the audience can pass through various borders and embark on a VR journey that’s spiritually reflective and immensely poetic. Last but not least, ALONE by Cheng Yi-Ting is inspired by life in the pandemic. With a haptic installation ingeniously incorporated, the audience is invited to reconsider the movements of temporality and spatiality, as well as the emotions they experience while being immersed in it.

The objective of the Digital Art Foundation is for “Fest Yet-to-Come” to act as a platform for young artists to showcase their creations. As the creative formats and expressions of virtual reality continue to develop and mature, we hope that these creative original artworks can open up more discussions and exchanges on VR art.

Aug 22 2022 19:30 - 21:30
講者:呂樾 , 謝鎮逸
本次由數位藝術基金會策劃的「前戲影展」(Fest Yet-to-Come),無論是「前戲」或是「yet-to-come」,均預告了VR藝術的時代來臨。但在「大戲之前」、「大戲尚未到來」的時間隱喻下,影 ...
2022 前戲影展 Fest Yet-to-Come
Aug 01 2022 19:30 - 21:30
講者:沈克諭 , 趙鐸
相較於電影,除了穿戴上VR眼鏡這個必要的動作之外,VR目前還尚未被程式化為一種固定的觀看模式,這使得目前大部分的VR作品更像是一種對於此一技術美學可能性的探索,也讓我們聯想起電影發生之初,放映機制尚未 ...
2022 前戲影展 Fest Yet-to-Come