第 4 場

The Art of Recyclism, E-waste Cultures

For English, please scroll down.
This talk will proceed in English and with consecutive interpretation. 本論壇將以英文進行並備逐步英-中口譯。

◆地點:臺北市立美術館 地下樓生態實驗室

班傑明·戈隆目前是法國塗鴉研究實驗室(Graffiti Research Lab)的成員之一,過去曾在巴黎帕森設計學院法國分校擔任副教授,2013年成立該校科技研究所以及藝術、媒體與科技系並擔任主任。在此之前,他曾任都柏林國立藝術學院講師、都柏林聖三一大學電信研發中心副研究員,以及都柏林藝術與科技協會Data 2.0計畫總監。

◆論談策劃:鄭先喻 chenghsienyu.com

在地實驗受邀參與2018台北雙年展「後自然:美術館作為一個生態系統」,作品除了〈漫遊者函集〉(Flâneur Hanji)每個週末14:30與觀眾分享他的個人見解,也包含本系列「反控/智」論壇共八場。論壇由在地實驗主持,邀請動態自造實驗室(FabLab Dynamic)、王咏琳、鄭先喻策劃。整體而言,論壇題旨以個體自主與反科技控制為核心,反思人類主體、人文思維與機械、科學實驗、人工智慧等技術物之間共生與抵抗關係。函集將全景直播論壇於ARThon藝術松學校影音平台(http://arthon.tw),現場或線上參與者皆可隨時提問、延伸討論。

Talk vol. 4, “Counter-Control/Intelligence” series
(project of ET@T in 2018 Taipei Biennial)
◆Title: The Art of Recyclism, E-waste Cultures

◆Time: 14:30, Nov. 28, 2018
◆Venue: Ecolab Basement, Taipei Fine Arts Museum

He is currently a member of the Graffiti Research Lab France. He has been Associate Professor at The New School Parsons Paris, where he was the program director of the MFA Design + Technology and the BFA AMT (Art, Media and Technology), program that he has developed and launched in 2013. Before that he was lecturer at the National College of Art and Design in Dublin, associate researcher at CTVR / the telecommunications research centre (Trinity College) and director of Data 2.0 (Dublin Art and Technology Association) in Dublin.

Since 2005 he has been leading workshops and giving lectures in Europe, Asia and US about e-waste and hardware Hacking / Recycling. Workshop participants explore the potential of obsolete technologies in a creative way and find new strategies for e-waste recycling.

◆Moderated by ET@T www.etat.com
◆Organised by Hsien-Yu Cheng chenghsienyu.com

◆ “Counter-Control/Intelligence” talks:
These 8 forums are moderated by ET@T, each
is organized by FabLab Dynamic, Yung-Lin Wang Hsien-Yu Cheng, which will engage with themes of human-machine interaction, autonomy and artificial intelligence, and the ethics of control in the context of robot sentience. During the talk, Hanji panoramically streams on-line via Arthon Streaming Platform (http://arthon.tw).



●展覽時間:2018/11/17 – 2019/03/10

班傑明·戈隆 / 回收主義 Benjamin Gaulon aka RECYCLISM
函集 Hanji