程昕、Pablo Mercado
第 2 場
程昕、Pablo Mercado


杯子一定是平底嗎?什麼時候你會想用衛生紙編織出繩子?運水槃柴的神奇之處為何?建築也是一種建議嗎?我們如何來照顧每個片刻?為何人類是唯一需要錢生存的動物?呼吸的世界裡的能動性是什麼?輪胎為什麼如此神通廣大?什麼事情可以真正的完成?(以上問題提供,感謝 Temporary Services, 龐蘊,BBC for Business, 大野 一雄,坂口 恭平,Nicholas Yeck-Stauffer, James Carse)


Why do cups need flat bottoms? How and when would you make ropes out of toilet paper? What is miraculous about drawing water and hewing wood? Could building be a special form of suggesting? How do you take care of every single moment? How come humans are the only animals that cannot live without money? What is agency in the breathing world? Why are tyres so versatile? Do things ever finish?

Xin Cheng will present something that do not attempt the answer these questions, but instead, expand on them.

(questions with thanks to James Carse, Temporary Services, BBC for Business, Nicholas Yeck-Stauffer, Kazuo Ohno, Pang Yun龐蘊, Kyohei Sakaguchi)

Image caption: Observations/hallucinations from a place in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, 2014: the potentiality of holes, hooks, frugal things; the elasticity of materials, time and convivial experiences.





Pablo Mercado










Krapp memory, 2015

Mr Krapp, protagonist of the one-act play of Samuel Backett, “Krapp’s tape”, recorded a diary on a tape recorder for thirty years. During the play Krapp listen to himself and cannot remember his own experiences and even he cannot understand some words he used. New datalogging technologies have similar compatibility problems due to its constant evolution….

Fragmented memories, 2014

This work belongs to the series holographic objects where I fragment objects into irregular pieces and I arrange them on wooden structure that uniformly distributed them around a sphere placed in its nucleus. This work itself is also another version of my previous piece “Fragmented memories” but this television will still work. To do this, I placed a projector inside of the central sphere, so it projects a mapping video on the fragments of the screen, creating the illusion of operation.


Elixir of reminding, 2014

In “Dialogues” of Plato, Socrates tells the story of the invention of writing thanks to the Egyptian god Teut, who showed his invention to the King Tamus as the cure for human memory… There are a kind of relationship in between this story and the invention of photography. Like writing, photography helps preserve certain data but plays against human memory, giving false clues completing our imagination. It’s possible that most of the memories we have are grounded more in photographs and created from them that truly experienced. However, subconsciously we appropriate these stories invented and assumed as real.

Pablo Mercado 2015/09/21演講紀錄:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7sJIHbMl07o

  1. 參考資料程昕 Xin Cheng
  2. 參考資料Pablo Mercado
Pablo Mercado